
Ensemble of Smiles


We created a vibrant bunch of characters for Oris Dental. Each with their own dental tale—from tooth loss to acid damage. These characters were brought to life through animations to engage their wide arrange of target audience.

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Dental Diversity

The goal was to directly communicate with the different target groups and establish a connection between lifestyle and dental care. By creating a diverse group of characters, we could not only forge that connection but also offer someone to relate to in terms of both personality and stories, making dental care less daunting and more delightful.


Balancing Act

Our biggest challenge was finding the balance between realism and style. We strived for simplicity, focusing on clean, engaging designs that emphasized personality over hyper-realism. This delicate balance of stylized and anatomical accuracy ensured our characters were charming and inviting.


Oris Dental is excited to launch this fresh approach, eagerly anticipating how these unique characters will connect with their audience. This initiative marks a bold step towards making dental visits more relatable and enjoyable


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